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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the 0163 Premium Camouflage Cloth Duct Tape would interest you.
ICON Rubber-Adhesive ICON Weather-Resistance ICON Conforms to Surfaces ICON Hand Tearable
Click here for DATA Sheet
  • Printed with a distinctive camouflage pattern for disguising / hiding in the presence of a
    (person, animal, or object)
  • Coated one side with an aggressive high adhesion Rubber Adhesive System
  • Extra holding power & long life properties
  • Good tensile strength with excellent conformability to irregular surfaces
  • Excellent resistance to moisture & weather conditions (once applied correctly)
  • Easy hand tearble for ease of use
  • General bundling, sealing, joining & waterproofing repair cloth tape.
  • Used by the Military as a heavy duty Cloth Duct Tape to disguise, secure - hold & join.
  • Used as a Hunting Camo Wrap Tape onto various hunting / fishing equipment.
  • Markets: Armed Forces, Hunting & Fishing, Duck Shooting, Film & Entertainment and Recreational Activities - Paintball etc.
BACKING High Strength Cloth
ADHESIVE Natural Rubber (Solvent Free)
COLOUR Camouflage Pattern
ROLL WIDTH 24 / 36 / 48mm
ROLL LENGTH 10 / 25m
*Available to slit to any width size from 1250mm log roll.

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Orafol Adhesive tape systems
fern red
Proud to be:
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operated since 1998
MPI certified transitional facility
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Phone. 0800 226 369    Fax. +64 9 272 9020    Email. enquiries@tapespec.co.nz     Postal.  Unit A 38 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland, New Zealand
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